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Your Child’s First Dental Visit

October 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 1:47 pm
mom holding the baby for the child’s first dental visit

You can’t believe how fast time has gone by. One day, you’re holding a newborn, and pretty soon they’re crawling and trying solid food. Although you’ll miss your baby’s adorable gummy smile, you also love seeing their primary teeth grow in. But getting teeth means that your little one is now at risk for the most common childhood condition: cavities.

As a result, it’s time to think about your child’s first dental visit. But when should this happen? How does this first visit go? Why does it need to happen so early in life? Get answers by reading the content below!


4 Facts about Children’s Dental Health Every Parent Needs to Know

September 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 4:45 pm
happy mom and baby knowing facts about children’s dental health

When you came home with your baby, the hospital unfortunately didn’t give you an instruction manual. You may not know everything about all your child’s needs as they grow and develop, but you don’t have to be an expert. Here is some information that your pediatric dentist wants you to keep in mind for your little one!


Back-to-School Tips to Prevent Dental Emergencies

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 10:13 pm

The first day of school is right around the corner! With summer coming to an end, parents are starting to prepare their kids for their return to the classroom. From buying school supplies to figuring out your child’s schedule, there are many things to be done this time of the year. It’s easy to get lost amid the back-to-school preparations, but there’s one you shouldn’t put on the back burner – your child’s oral health. Read on to learn a few helpful tips to prevent dental emergencies from a pediatric dentist in Palm Harbor.


Why Visiting the Dentist When You’re Pregnant Matters

July 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 2:57 pm
woman in scrubs examining dental x-ray

Pregnancy is an exciting time. If you’re past the first trimester – when most women experience nausea and fatigue – you may be starting to feel like you can accomplish all the things on your to-do list before your bundle of joy arrives. There’s one thing that may not be on your list, but it definitely should be: visiting the dentist! The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy in Palm Beach can really affect your oral health, which could even have implications for your baby. Keep reading to learn more about why you should schedule a dental checkup when you’re expecting.


Oh Baby! 5 Signs of Teething

June 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 8:31 pm
closer look at a teething baby

Time is flying by. It feels like just yesterday that your baby was a newborn waking up every two or three hours, but now they sleep for longer stretches. That is, until now—they’ve started to wake up several times and are fussier than they typically are.

What could be wrong? What does this symptom mean? It could be a sign that your baby is teething. In fact, there are several ways you can tell that you’ve entered this exciting new stage of development. Keep reading to learn about the most common symptoms of teething and what you can do to help your baby.


Why You Should Praise Your Child for Brushing Their Teeth

June 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 10:41 pm
A young girl brushing her teeth.

As a parent, one of the many things you need to show concern for is your child’s hygiene—children are just as susceptible to oral health issues as adults! That said, encouraging proper cleaning methods and praising your child for practicing good hygiene is crucial for them to establish healthy, life-long habits. Keep reading to learn more from your pediatric dentist in Palm Harbor about why and how you should praise your child for brushing their teeth.


5 Weird Signs That Your Child Is Dehydrated

May 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 4:29 pm
child holding water after showing signs of dehydration

If your child is like other kiddos, they can’t get enough time playing in the water. Whether in the pool or on the beach, they love to cool down from the summer heat by taking a dip. While having adventures and fun in the sun, it can be easy for your child to forget to drink water throughout the day; however, staying hydrated is important in countless ways for their well-being!

How can you tell if your child has had sufficient water intake? You can monitor them and look out for these signs of dehydration!


What Foods Improve My Child’s Dental Health?

April 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 9:53 pm
girl eating cheese

Your kids seem to ask you for a banana split twice a week, but they are still learning about how important it is to prioritize dental health, after all. As they grow, you are trying to set a good example to help them learn how to make wise dietary choices that benefit their teeth and general health. With children’s oral health in Palm Harbor in mind, keep reading for food tips from a pediatric dentist.


3 Tips for Teaching Your Child How to Floss

March 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 7:35 pm
father teaching his son to floss

It’s easy to see why making sure your child brushes their teeth is important. Flossing, on the other hand, may not seem as essential. However, flossing is a crucial part of a person’s oral health. If your child starts cleaning between their teeth early on, they’ll naturally have a healthier smile as they grow older. Teaching your child how to floss isn’t exactly the most exciting thing in the world, but a little creativity can go a long way. Here are three simple tips from a pediatric dentist in Palm Harbor on getting kids to floss!


What Are Good Books to Prepare My Child for Going to the Dentist?

February 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 10:17 pm
Mother and child reading book together

Is your child nervous about their upcoming dentist appointment? That is completely understandable. It is normal for children to feel anxious about new things, especially when they aren’t sure what to expect. After all, anxiety is a common issue that adults face as well. Fortunately, there are plenty of books out there written to help ease kids’ worries and educate them about their upcoming children’s dentist visits. The selections below will help make their upcoming appointment go smoother for them, you, and their pediatric dentist!

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