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Dr. Maggie Davis' Blog

3 Effective Tips to Help Your Child Brush Their Teeth

August 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 3:28 am
a parent and their child brushing their teeth

Brushing teeth may not be the easiest task to perform in your house. If you have a child who struggles to keep their teeth clean, but you’ve tried everything you can think of to keep them on track, you might feel as if they’re doomed to have a cavity-stricken smile for life. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be the case. A pediatric dentist is here to share three effective tips that are designed to help your child brush their teeth so that they can enjoy a healthy, cavity-free smile


SDF – A Great Alternative to Dental Sealants

July 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 9:00 am
A child sitting in a dentist's chair

As a parent, you don’t want your child to get cavities. This tooth decay is painful and threatens one’s smile. Therefore, you’ve likely had your little one get dental sealants in the past. Lately, though, research has shown another option. It turns out that SDF is as effective as dental sealants, so your child could try the former instead. Your pediatric dentist can explain further if you’d like. To that end, here’s how SDF compares to dental sealants and which service you should choose.


You Asked, We Answered: Do Baby Teeth Need Fillings?

June 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 3:58 am
baby sitting in field and smiling

As a parent, your child’s oral health is a top priority. Childhood cavities can be a common concern, and detecting them in your little one’s teeth can be worrisome. Continue reading as we discuss the significance of addressing cavities in children, whether fillings are necessary, and effective preventive measures to ensure that they maintain a healthy, happy beam for years to come.


Are Teething Rings Safe for My Child?

May 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 5:20 pm
a child using a teething ring

Seeing your child’s first tooth come in can be quite an exciting experience; it’s an important milestone for them and paves the way for the grand entrance of the rest of their teeth. However, the teething process isn’t easy for most children, and many experience discomfort that’ll likely tug at your heartstrings—but as a parent, what can you do to assist them? One solution that might prove useful is a teething ring. Here’s more from your trusted pediatric dentist about teething rings and how they can safely alleviate some of the discomfort associated with teething in children.


4 Ways to Make Oral Hygiene Fun for Kids

April 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 6:43 pm
dad and son brushing teeth

When it comes to doing fun things, most children will not include brushing and flossing as part of their list. This is why it can be a challenge to get young ones to take proper care of their teeth and gums daily. The good news is that dental health doesn’t have to be a bore. Instead, a pediatric dentist is here to share four ways to make oral hygiene fun for kids.


RiseWell Mineral Toothpaste for Kids

March 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 9:35 pm

Young girl brushing her teethThe biggest threat to your child’s developing smile is tooth decay. Although cavities are preventable, they are more common than childhood asthma. Your little one’s oral hygiene habits are their first line of defense against cavities. Their toothbrush is the most important tool they have to combat cavity-causing bacteria. Besides having the right toothbrush, the correct toothpaste is equally important. Although there are many products on the market, many parents are raving about RiseWell Mineral Toothpaste for kids. It’s a holistic alternative to traditional toothpaste. While it’s safe to swallow, is it the best choice for your child’s smile? Here’s what you need to know to ensure their teeth are protected.


How to Reduce Dental Anxiety in Kids

February 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 1:23 pm
Happy child sitting in dentist’s chair, holding toothbrush

It is common for children to experience a degree of uncertainty and trepidation when they visit the dentist. Some of them are so fearful that it is difficult for their dental team to care for them! What can you do to reduce dental anxiety in kids? Here are some tips to help your little one adopt a more positive view of their time in the dentist’s office:


5 Tips to Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month

February 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 12:48 am
group of children smiling

Did you know that February is Children’s Dental Health Month? It’s time to help your little one celebrate! The best way to do this is to help them understand why dental health is so important as well as what they can do to keep their smiles in good condition. Keep reading to learn about five ways that you can help your child celebrate this month with good oral health and hygiene.


Why Dental Toys for Kids Are a Good Idea

December 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 12:38 am
dental toys for kids

Even though regular dental visits are key to a healthy smile, the dentist can be a scary place for your child when they are first getting used to it. The unfamiliar sounds, tools, and people may make some children a little nervous. There are several ways to help them feel more comfortable during these appointments, such as buying them dental toys. Continue reading to learn why dental toys are helpful for children as well as the different kinds.


3 Risks Cold and Flu Season Poses to Your Child’s Smile

November 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmaggie @ 5:41 pm
little girl who needs to protect her smile during cold and flu season

Children seem to get their hands on everything. At home, this might not be a huge problem, but at school or friends’ houses, it could mean they pick up some nasty bugs and catch the flu or a cold, especially this time of year. Even with your best efforts to prevent it, you may have to deal with a sick kid, but you don’t necessarily have to deal with a cavity afterward. Read on to learn how being ill could put your child’s teeth at risk and ways to protect them this cold and flu season.

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